TeaLightBox.com is moving to SandboxRanch.com

As part of my goal to consolidate a bunch of ideas and websites that were focused on consumer products, I’ve decided to also move the contents and product range of TeaLightBox.com onto SandboxRanch.com, which I hope to have complete by the end of the week before forwarding that domain permanently to SandboxRanch.com.

I’m very proud of how TeaLightBox.com has grown through the years and it was time for a refresh, truth be told, the boxes were always more useful than just as tea light holders, or night lights… they make great boxes for pens, pencils and other items on a desk but at the time, at the time, I had to focus on one area and it worked great but I look forward to showcasing how much more useful this custom product range actually is.

Consolidation means no more duplicating resources, time etc. towards maintaining multiple websites, product ranges and databases so as part of a little nostalgia, let’s look at the videos that I produced showing how those great tea light boxes were made.

You also save on shipping because you can get a bank, a box and whatever else on SandboxRanch.com in one order shipped right to your door rather than having to go through and register at multiple sites.

It’s always amazing to me just how much paint can change a custom box, and best of all, this same idea can be applied to the banks on SandboxRanch.com as well, something I’ll showcase shortly!